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Topaz Detail v2.0.5 Plugins For Adobe Photoshop

Topaz Detail v2.0.5 Plugins For Adobe Photoshop | 28.84 Mb
Topaz Detail is uniquely designed to give you full creative control over all aspects of detail enhancement without creating edge artifacts.Easily add a sense of depth, achieve unbelievable crispness, and define previously obscured details in your images with the innovative technology in Topaz Detail.

Topaz Detail internally separates the image into three detail sizes - small, medium, and large details - and offers exceptional control over the precise manipulation of each detail size. This offers limitless possibilities for photographers, who can accomplish anything from high quality image sharpening to creative detail manipulation with just a single plug-in.

Key Features :
Detail has many valuable tools to help you naturally enhance the most important and delicate details in your image.

Some highlights are :
* Image quality improvement: Topaz has had another breakthrough in technology that allows an image to be analyzed and divided up into 3 layers (small, medium and large) for more specific image detailing.

* Unprecedented control over tone, contrast, highlight shadows and color detail in an image.

* Realtime interface and preset thumbnails that offer previews of each presets' effect on the image are displayed in the Previews finder.

* Shortcut hotkeys. For example, use the spacebar to toggle between the original and the processed images, the and ?C keys to zoom in/out of the preview, and the arrow keys to change parameter values.

* Snapshot buttons. You can temporarily save settings to one of the two snapshot buttons and recall it quickly. This is a good way to compare different settings.

* Other miscellaneous features. For example, you can import presets directly from the internet, randomize parameters, etc.

* Support Presets which provides one-click action for some common tasks.

* A new Preferences setting to allow users to disable the default multi-core CPU support. Please Note: Detail will run slower when the multi-processor support is disabled, but it will avoid problems that are caused by potential conflicts with Intel multi-core processing support (for example, an image printing problem can be resolved by disabling multi-processor support).

Compatible with Adobe Photoshop CS3-CS5 (32-bit and 64-bit), Photoshop Elements 6-9, PaintShop Pro, Photo Impact and Serif Photo Plus.
Compatible with Lightroom 2 and 3 via Topaz Fusion Express.
PLATFORM : Windows XP/Vista/ 7

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